Attesto AI agents shortlist 1000s of internship candidates for you in minutes
and screen them with personalized questions!

Why Attesto?

Cut screening time by 90%

Review and shortlist thousands of applicants in minutes, so you can focus on the best candidates.

Cut screening time by 90%

Cut screening time by 90%

Review and shortlist thousands of applicants in minutes, so you can focus on the best candidates.

Cut screening time by 90%

Cut screening time by 90%

Review and shortlist thousands of applicants in minutes, so you can focus on the best candidates.

Cut screening time by 90%

Reduce hiring costs

Supercharge your team so you can do more with less. Attesto multiplies your team’s throughput while reducing OpEx.

Reduce hiring costs

Reduce hiring costs

Supercharge your team so you can do more with less. Attesto multiplies your team’s throughput while reducing OpEx.

Reduce hiring costs

Reduce hiring costs

Supercharge your team so you can do more with less. Attesto multiplies your team’s throughput while reducing OpEx.

Reduce hiring costs

Optimize the experience

Get back to candidates in a fraction of the time, ask personalized questions and find superstars that you might otherwise miss.

Optimize the experience

Optimize the experience

Get back to candidates in a fraction of the time, ask personalized questions and find superstars that you might otherwise miss.

Optimize the experience

Optimize the experience

Get back to candidates in a fraction of the time, ask personalized questions and find superstars that you might otherwise miss.

Optimize the experience
Step 1, Schedule time

Step 1

Sign up for access to Attesto. You can test Attesto for 10 applications before having to buy credits for additional applications.

Step 1, Schedule time

Step 1

Sign up for access to Attesto. You can test Attesto for 10 applications before having to buy credits for additional applications.

Step 1, Schedule time

Step 1

Sign up for access to Attesto. You can test Attesto for 10 applications before having to buy credits for additional applications.

Step 2, We integrate with your ATS

Step 2

You can adjust the criteria generated by Attesto, upload applications at scale and have Attesto work on screening.

Step 2, We integrate with your ATS

Step 2

You can adjust the criteria generated by Attesto, upload applications at scale and have Attesto work on screening.

Step 2, We integrate with your ATS

Step 2

You can adjust the criteria generated by Attesto, upload applications at scale and have Attesto work on screening.

Step 3, Attesto AI completes tasks

Step 3

Attesto shortlists applications for you. For each applicant you can answers to the AI generated questions and assessment.

Step 3, Attesto AI completes tasks

Step 3

Attesto shortlists applications for you. For each applicant you can answers to the AI generated questions and assessment.

Step 3, Attesto AI completes tasks

Step 3

Attesto shortlists applications for you. For each applicant you can answers to the AI generated questions and assessment.

Add Attesto to your team

Add Attesto
to your team

Attesto is your agent
for screening applications

Job intake

Job intake

Attesto interacts with the hiring manager or recruiter to define and identify the job objectives that will help generate job intake documentation and will be used for candidate shortlisting. It will also guide Attesto to have an optimized interaction with the candidate and generate insightful and transparent candidate summaries.

Job intake

Job intake

Attesto interacts with the hiring manager or recruiter to define and identify the job objectives that will help generate job intake documentation and will be used for candidate shortlisting. It will also guide Attesto to have an optimized interaction with the candidate and generate insightful and transparent candidate summaries.

Job intake

Job intake

Attesto interacts with the hiring manager or recruiter to define and identify the job objectives that will help generate job intake documentation and will be used for candidate shortlisting. It will also guide Attesto to have an optimized interaction with the candidate and generate insightful and transparent candidate summaries.

Shortlist the best

Attesto can go through your long list of resumes and candidate responses in minutes and shortlist the candidates for you based on unique criteria you are looking for.

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Candidate review and tags embedded in ATS

Shortlist the best

Attesto can go through your long list of resumes and candidate responses in minutes and shortlist the candidates for you based on unique criteria you are looking for.

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Candidate review and tags embedded in ATS

Shortlist the best

Attesto can go through your long list of resumes and candidate responses in minutes and shortlist the candidates for you based on unique criteria you are looking for.

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Candidate review and tags embedded in ATS
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Candidate assessment one-pager
background image
Candidate assessment one-pager


AI driven one-pager summarizes the candidate's fit for the job pre-interview.

Personalized Interactions

Coming soon - The Chrome extension enables use of Attesto across existing platforms

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Candidate review and tags embedded in ATS

Personalized Interactions

Coming soon - The Chrome extension enables use of Attesto across existing platforms

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Candidate review and tags embedded in ATS

Personalized Interactions

Coming soon - The Chrome extension enables use of Attesto across existing platforms

Background gradient
Candidate review and tags embedded in ATS

Get to know thousands of candidates
in a few minutes

Bring more precision to your hiring with less cost

Bring more precision to your hiring with less cost Move beyond keywords

Bring more precision to your hiring with less cost

Bring more precision to your hiring with less cost Move beyond keywords

Get to know thousands ofcandidates in a few minutes
Get to know thousands ofcandidates in a few minutes

How Attesto supercharges your hiring

Without Attesto

Without Attesto

With Attesto

With Attesto

Job intake with hiring manager

Multiple meetings.

Filling out job intake forms.

Days of calibrations and follow-ups.

Multiple job intake meetings

Filling out job intake forms

Days of calibrations and follow-up

Automated calibration with the hiring manager at her convenience.

Screening resumes and Linkedin profiles

Spending hours going thorough 1000s of applications.

Inevitably biased and error prone.

Exhausting and dreading.

Multiple job intake meetings

Filling out job intake forms

Days of calibrations and follow-up

Attesto shortlists candidates that meet the criteria that are learned.

Hiring team reviews and provides feedback on highly qualified ones.

Interaction with candidates

Limited to the 15-60 minute call that is scheduled and can be scheduled with only a select few.

Most candidates feel ghosted.

Multiple job intake meetings

Filling out job intake forms

Days of calibrations and follow-up

All candidates have a concierge.

Candidates can provide highly relevant information without needing to "optimize" resumes.

Candidates learn about the company.

Identifying candidates from talent pool

Need to go through 10s of thousands of past applications to find and reach out to them to ask about recent experiences and their interest.

It's too cumbersome that is often not used.

Need to go through 10s of thousands of past applications, so cumbersome that talent pools are often not used.

Multiple job intake meetings

Filling out job intake forms

Days of calibrations and follow-up

In minutes you can run new set of criteria on thousands of past applications and instruct Attesto which ones needs to be reached out for personalized interaction.

In minutes Attesto runs new set of criterion on thousands of past applications. Attesto can reached out to prospects with personalized interactions.

Trusted by innovative companies

Create your shortlist fast when you interact with inbound and outbound candidates at scale

Attesto acts as a member of the team. Our AI assistant generates personalized interactions for you, so that you get candidate-specific insights.

Amplify the power of your hiring team
Amplify the power of your hiring team

Amplify the power of your hiring team

Signup so we could send you an email with a link to your Attesto interaction. If you need to book a meeting with us please schedule it here.